Training Courses
Building A Strong Team
Enormous amount of time and energy is wasted during discussions and arguments in meetings and during unnecessary conflicts. Moreover, constant pressure to provide results causes stress which, eventually may transform into conflict. In order to avoid such loses and to have smooth and positive inner climate in the organization, participants of this course will learn to identify problem roots and gain skills on how to resolve them before they become complicated.

Stress Can Be Managed
Everyone has at one point or another experienced stress. Some of us experience it more often than the others. However, we also notice, that some people are “gifted” and manage their emotions better than others leaving you with a question “how?”. If you ever had this question or you wish to finally harness your inner emotions which often cause you stress, this training course will give you necessary tools and teach you how to use them.
Persuasion Masterclass
Neurolinguistic-programing (NLP) communication patterns and techniques are best known and mostly used to influence or persuade people. Application of NLP methods are so universal that it is used in seduction, business, therapy and personal development. This masterclass is all about how to be aware of and use persuasion properly, and professionally and how not to use it. If you ever considered trying something really unique and mind-blowing in your work – this is exactly what you should sign up for.

Creative Thinking
Nowadays, creativity is considered one of the most demanded skills for work and even daily survival. It is useful for creating and developing new products, solving problems, optimizing manufacturing processes, searching for new markets and in many other areas including every-day situations and even relationships. To attain and master creativity there are millions of methods which are easily accessible. However, only experts can teach principles which allow you to find Your own path to creativity.
Complete Public Speaking Course
For many people, public speaking fear is bigger than fear of death. Starting from lowest level workers up to top business leaders there is predominantly the preferance to be part of the audience, rather than been the one speaking on stage. Luckily this fear and other uncertainties, e. g. engagement, persuasion, performance, can be managed with the right knowledge, some practice and adequate preparation. Not everyone is meant to be world-wide speaker, but we can help you to increase your performance and ability by a great deal.

Negotiation Masterclass
Negotiation is not just a bargain a better price for yourself or a company. It involves holistic view, strategic thinking, ability to listen and communicate what is most important to make both sides shake hands with smile at the end of the meeting. This masterclass train top level managers, strategists, salesmen, HR managers and CEOs to employ successful approaches and methods in order to achieve desired results at the negotiation table. This is a perfect chance to finally overcome limiting barriers, incompetence and to prove that signing desired deal is easier than many thinks.