Negotiation Masterclass

” Everyone desire something, but few actually expect that to happen” – Bob Proctor
Influential communication is extremely powerful skill. Especially when it comes to the business. Whether dealing with sales, discussing contract conditions, presenting idea, or having conversation on the phone – there are always subtle words, non-verbal expressions or approach to the issue, that influence people to make decision one way or the other. To know these elements and to be able to use in order to achieve Win-Win results – this is main aim of masterclass program.
“Negotiation Masterclass” was developed and contains exclusive material and methods which is applied in top levels negotiations.During activities You will have chance to develop your skills and approaches through diverse set of activities including simulations, case studies, role plays, group work, analysis, debates and field practice. These tools have been applied by best of the best and that is the real value of this program.
It is about time to start getting exciting, because the time has come to You show to the World who is the best negotiator!
Persuasion masterclass is unique in the way it is designed i.e. course material grasps different levels of communication including verbal and non-verbal aspects. In course participants will also analyse subliminal communication patterns and will build their skills and competences by practicing persuasion in the safe environment with their peers, just as, in real life situations. After this program participants will have strong basis of understanding power and influence games that is played upon many of us. Moreover, developed skill set will be useful not only in work environment, but also in other life areas. Additionally, all participants will be awarded with the certificates and gain access to the private mentorship program for further personal development.
- Enhance bargaining power to create more value and claim a larger share of the pie
- Recognize and resolve different issues that occur frequently when negotiating Develop strategies for efficient pre-negotiation preparation
- Build and maintain working relationships without forfeiting economic outcomes
- Deal with difficult tactics
- Create strong network of like-minded professionals
Participants will be awarded with the certificate and attachment proving their participation, gained competences, program modules, length and accreditation.
If partners involved, participants will receive additional certificates accordingly.Date: June 7th, 2019
Venue: K. Baršausko str. 59, Kaunas, Lithuania
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