Having a work experience abroad allows participants to gain fundamental skills, which can be useful not only to enlarge their access in the job market, but also improve their social, cultural understanding and integration capabilities.
The Erasmus+ programme and other programmes allow students to have scholarship to undergo this kind of experience. We have a well-established network of trustworthy and experienced partners around the world who are looking forward to start mentor your career and help develop your skills.
Each intern can count of professional tutoring from a dynamic, young and attentive team of professionals, who will take care of the individual intern or group of interns from any community, city or country.
We can take care of:
- Research and management of Internships & Placements;
- Search for top-level housing in the city center (apartments or hotels);
- Transfers to and from major airports, railway stations and buses;
- Training on arrival in order to facilitate cultural and social integration of the participant;
- Structuring a first cognitive meeting with the manager of the company/institution in which the training will be carried out;
- Certification;
- Language courses;
- Preparation of the whole bureaucratic material useful to the monitoring of the mobility, and the presentation of the final report of the project.