Learning to Learn

Teachers and lecturers are often struggling to grab student’s attention and make classes more engaged. Nonetheless, learning itself became a definition of boredom and a training field for procrastination. However, nowadays there hundreds of methods and a dozen of principles created in order to engage audiences more and improve learning speed, results and memory many times. This course gives you easy access to the invaluable learning techniques used by experts in art, music, literature, math, science, sports, and many other disciplines. Using these approaches, no matter what skill levels in topics you would like to master, you can change your thinking and change your life.

During the program participants will be introduced with newest researches done in education field, analyze case studies, discover new techniques to teach pupils more effectively, work individually and in groups. Moreover, practical activities presented in during the training sessions will be useful and applicable in class after the program.

After this program participants will have knowledge about newest trends in education field, solid base of knowledge about brainwork and how learning process occurs in every persons mind, acquire numerous ways and methods for students engagement and teaching methods for different scientific fields. Explained theory and practiced knowledge will form an experience that will enable teachers upgrade their classes and teaching style in a way that is unique and most suitable for them.

Participants will be awarded with the certificate and attachment proving their participation, gained competences, program modules, length and accreditation.

If partners involved, participants will receive additional certificates accordingly.

Length of the course: 1 week, Monday – Saturday;

 Rijeka / Alghero / Zaragoza / London

  • Set Dates 2019:  7 – 12 January; 21 – 26 January; 4 – 9 February; 18 – 23 February; 4 – 9 March; 18 – 23 March; 1 – 6 April; 15 – 20 April; 6 – 11 May; 18 – 23 May; 3 – 8 June; 15 – 20 June; 1 – 6 July; 20 – 25 July; 5 – 10 August; 19 – 24 August; 2 – 7 September; 16 – 21 September; 7 – 12 October; 21 – 26 October; 4 – 9 November; 18 – 23 November; 2 – 7 December; 

Sofia / Budapest / Tirana / Dublin / Kaunas

  • Dates 2019: 7 – 12 January; 4 – 9 February; 4 – 9 March; 1 – 6 April; 6 – 11 May; 3 – 8 June; 1 – 6 July; 5 – 10 August; 2 – 7 September; 7 – 12 October; 4 – 9 November; 2 – 7 December;