ICT for effective education

World is in constant change and development – that is a fact. Another fact is that education system and basic principles hasn’t changed since middle ages. That is surprising stagnation even in the most developed World countries. Moreover, changes in labor market is demanding drastic changes and class digitization is one of the ways to start successful development of school and whole education approach.

This training course teach participants most effective, tested and widely used apps and platforms that facilitate learning and teaching, also learners will be able to practice material in the class, in the groups and on their own. In order to guarantee learning outcomes, participants will have a period of mentorship from the organization.

It is highly beneficial to participate in this course even for those participants, who have been on it before, because every participant is filling questionnaire about his/her current knowledge and preferences for the learning outcomes. After the program learners will be able to freely and independently use applications and platforms presented in the course, design lessons, classwork in digital way as well as modernising their own work making it engaging and creative.

Participants will be awarded with the certificate and attachment proving their participation, gained competences, program modules, length and accreditation.

If partners involved, participants will receive additional certificates accordingly.

Length of the course: 1 week, Monday – Saturday;

 Zagreb / Alghero / Barcelona / Glasgow / Dublin / Kaunas / Rome / Lamezia Terme

  • Set Dates 2019: 25 February – 2 March; 25 – 30 March; 22 – 27 April; 27 May – 1 June; 24 – 29 June; 22 – 27 July; 26 – 31 August; 23 – 28 September; 28 October – 2 November; 25 – 30 November;