
Categories: Erasmus+

On 26th of January Efektas Group had honor to announce new Erasmus+ KA2 project (KA220-ADU-BDFF4B85) “Local mindset and behavior development for competitive community-based tourism by increasing digital and green competences of tourism labour force in offbeat destinations” (RE-CONNECT) and and join project’s kick-off meeting.

Being in line with the priorities of environmental sustainability and climate goals as well as digital transformations, the project aims to increase the competences of local tourism communities on greener and more digital tourism products and services by:

  • Developing a viable interregional digital ecosystem of local tourism communities along circular tourism;
  • Increasing the readiness and competences of tourism labour force on climate neutral tourism at offbeat destinations;
  • Developing a knowledge base to accelerate to co-create new innovative products and services.

What Activities Does Project have?

RE-CONNECT partnership is going to implement the following activities:

  1. Development of a circular tourism collaborative HUB – a platform for climate neutral tourism solutions, cooperation and knowledge sharing.
  2. Competence development for greener and more digital tourism. As one of the core project result, by adapting the elements of the existing training programmes of the project partners, a circular tourism training curriculum of offbeat destinations will be developed and tested.
  3. Co-creation pack development on circular tourism. A knowledge pack (guidebook) will be developed on how to accelerate circular tourism projects, products or services through co-creation.
  4. Over the main project results, a set of trainings, as well collaborative, learning by doing competence development activities will be implemented, with extensive involvement of all stakeholders of the tourism ecosystem of offbeat destination.

The Partnership

The following partners will take part in the project implementation:

  • KDRIÜ Közép-dunántúli Regionális Innovációs Ügynökség Nonprofit Kft. (Hungary) – coordinator;
  • MB “Efekto grupe” (Lithuania);
  • Cooperazione Paesi Emergenti (Italy);
  • Obcina Radenci (Slovenia);
  • Comharchumann Forbartha Ionad Deirbhle Teo. (Ireland).

We`re very honored and thrilled to start this upcoming journey and sincerely believe into the change making that will correspond entirely to the objectives of the current project and our society overall. Join and follow us:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Re_ConnectEU
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ReConnectEU
Email: projectreconnecteu@gmail.com

Categories: Erasmus+

On 26th of January Efektas Group had honor to announce new Erasmus+ KA2 project (KA220-ADU-BDFF4B85) “Local mindset and behavior development for competitive community-based tourism by increasing digital and green competences of tourism labour force in offbeat destinations” (RE-CONNECT) and and join project’s kick-off meeting.

Being in line with the priorities of environmental sustainability and climate goals as well as digital transformations, the project aims to increase the competences of local tourism communities on greener and more digital tourism products and services by:

  • Developing a viable interregional digital ecosystem of local tourism communities along circular tourism;
  • Increasing the readiness and competences of tourism labour force on climate neutral tourism at offbeat destinations;
  • Developing a knowledge base to accelerate to co-create new innovative products and services.

What Activities Does Project have?

RE-CONNECT partnership is going to implement the following activities:

  1. Development of a circular tourism collaborative HUB – a platform for climate neutral tourism solutions, cooperation and knowledge sharing.
  2. Competence development for greener and more digital tourism. As one of the core project result, by adapting the elements of the existing training programmes of the project partners, a circular tourism training curriculum of offbeat destinations will be developed and tested.
  3. Co-creation pack development on circular tourism. A knowledge pack (guidebook) will be developed on how to accelerate circular tourism projects, products or services through co-creation.
  4. Over the main project results, a set of trainings, as well collaborative, learning by doing competence development activities will be implemented, with extensive involvement of all stakeholders of the tourism ecosystem of offbeat destination.

The Partnership

The following partners will take part in the project implementation:

  • KDRIÜ Közép-dunántúli Regionális Innovációs Ügynökség Nonprofit Kft. (Hungary) – coordinator;
  • MB “Efekto grupe” (Lithuania);
  • Cooperazione Paesi Emergenti (Italy);
  • Obcina Radenci (Slovenia);
  • Comharchumann Forbartha Ionad Deirbhle Teo. (Ireland).

We`re very honored and thrilled to start this upcoming journey and sincerely believe into the change making that will correspond entirely to the objectives of the current project and our society overall. Join and follow us:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Re_ConnectEU
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ReConnectEU
Email: projectreconnecteu@gmail.com

Categories: Erasmus+

On 26th of January Efektas Group had honor to announce new Erasmus+ KA2 project (KA220-ADU-BDFF4B85) “Local mindset and behavior development for competitive community-based tourism by increasing digital and green competences of tourism labour force in offbeat destinations” (RE-CONNECT) and and join project’s kick-off meeting.

Being in line with the priorities of environmental sustainability and climate goals as well as digital transformations, the project aims to increase the competences of local tourism communities on greener and more digital tourism products and services by:

  • Developing a viable interregional digital ecosystem of local tourism communities along circular tourism;
  • Increasing the readiness and competences of tourism labour force on climate neutral tourism at offbeat destinations;
  • Developing a knowledge base to accelerate to co-create new innovative products and services.

What Activities Does Project have?

RE-CONNECT partnership is going to implement the following activities:

  1. Development of a circular tourism collaborative HUB – a platform for climate neutral tourism solutions, cooperation and knowledge sharing.
  2. Competence development for greener and more digital tourism. As one of the core project result, by adapting the elements of the existing training programmes of the project partners, a circular tourism training curriculum of offbeat destinations will be developed and tested.
  3. Co-creation pack development on circular tourism. A knowledge pack (guidebook) will be developed on how to accelerate circular tourism projects, products or services through co-creation.
  4. Over the main project results, a set of trainings, as well collaborative, learning by doing competence development activities will be implemented, with extensive involvement of all stakeholders of the tourism ecosystem of offbeat destination.

The Partnership

The following partners will take part in the project implementation:

  • KDRIÜ Közép-dunántúli Regionális Innovációs Ügynökség Nonprofit Kft. (Hungary) – coordinator;
  • MB “Efekto grupe” (Lithuania);
  • Cooperazione Paesi Emergenti (Italy);
  • Obcina Radenci (Slovenia);
  • Comharchumann Forbartha Ionad Deirbhle Teo. (Ireland).

We`re very honored and thrilled to start this upcoming journey and sincerely believe into the change making that will correspond entirely to the objectives of the current project and our society overall. Join and follow us:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Re_ConnectEU
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ReConnectEU
Email: projectreconnecteu@gmail.com


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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