What is project about?
“Innovative Toolkit for Excellence in High Potentials” (IT4HP project no. 2021-2-AT01-KA220-SCH-000049231) is an Erasmus+ KA2 strategic partnership project focusing exclusively on addressing the needs of talented students of different ages and stages of formal education. It was started due to the importance of recognizing that gifted and talented students are individuals with their own unique strengths and weaknesses. A gifted child is a child who is naturally endowed with a high degree of general mental ability or extraordinary ability in a specific sphere of activity or knowledge. The designation of giftedness is largely a matter of administrative convenience. Increasingly, however, schools use multiple measures of giftedness and assess a wide variety of talents, including verbal, mathematical, spatial-visual, musical, and interpersonal abilities.
The IT4HP Project’s aim is to support children and adolescents in their potential development. Because gifts cannot be seen or find in themselves, so it is primarily in the promotion and not in the search by various diagnostic aids. For teachers, solely the performance that a pupil wishes to show becomes visible. To accompany and motivate students to explore their own potentials and to transform these into performance through a wide repertoire of techniques and encouraging learning surroundings, is necessary.
Project objectives:
- To enhance knowledge of gifted and talented students’ capabilities in creativity, memory, art, music, and academics.
- To raise awareness for the educational, social, and emotional development of gifted and talented students.
- To provide a more inclusive understanding and trust for gifted students and parents.
- To flourish a positive, permanent effect on the gifted and talented students’ lives.
- To improve teachers’ knowledge, competence, and skills with teaching strategies for reinforcing gifted and talented students in a creative online educational process.
- To improve teachers’ capacity to reinforce gifted and talented students.
- To raise awareness of teachers for gifted and talented students’ social development.
- To increasing teachers’ relevance for using mobile devices to use for gifted and talented students.
- To developing teachers’ ICT skills and competence with accessible educational mobile applications.
- To raise awareness for using assessment with training.
Target groups and results of Raise Your Voice project
IT4HP project is dedicated and meant but not limited for formal education institutions, non-formal learning promoters, educators, facilitators, youthworkers, social workers engaged with youth with the following profile:
- Graduated from educational programs of the universities.
- Teaching experience.
- Desire to continue career improvement.
- Establish a positive learning environment.
- Knowledge of the educational needs of gifted and talented students.
- Knowledge on completing progress reports on each student as needed.
- Ability to design and implement interdisciplinary units of study.
- Ability to use open-ended and problem-solving approaches of instruction.
- Flexibility and confidence in working with gifted students and their parents.
- Experience to provide instructional techniques through individual or group sessions to meet the educational needs of students.
- Set high expectations for student achievement and behaviour.
In conclusion
IT4HP project promise to be extremely relevant in todays schools as there are talents hidden within each student and there should be resources and actors to help to foster their gifts and promote excellence. In order to learn more about IT4HP project and interventions to use in gifted and talented students, follow our news on social media and content of this project.