Bonae Spei – Associação Cultural, an association from Figueira da Foz, hosted on 25.01.2022 and 26.01.2022 the Kick off Meeting of the cooperation partnership in the field of youth education “And what NEXT? Future Professional Paths for Volunteers”, funded by the European Union through the Erasmus+ programme.

During these 2 days, 2 members of each of the partner organizations from Lithuania (Efektas Group), Romania (Do Great Things Association) and Spain (Arrabal-Aid Association) were in Figueira da Foz in the first Transnational Partners Meeting of this project. The meeting served the purpose for the partners to get to know the reality of Figueira, the work of Bonae Spei and the situation in terms of European volunteering and integration in the labour market.

The partners have discussed and planned all the activities of the project, which will lead to the achievement of two project results meant to give value to volunteering and to create a solid network among all the actors involved in the labour market, in order to foster youth employment.

During 2 years, the partners will work on the development of an Employment Guide and a Stakeholders Online Network.

The Employment Guide – “From volunteer to employee or entrepreneur” will be an educational resource that will serve as a tool for youth workers, mentors and volunteer tutors of any NGO that wants to support and advise young people and young volunteers in finding a job and/or opening their own (social) business;

The ” Stakeholders Online Network ” will be a free digital tool that will serve as a network between all key stakeholders (NGOs, companies, public entities, etc.) and young people and volunteers to facilitate the integration into the labour market, valorising the volunteering experiences, knowledge and transversal skills and competences acquired during the volunteering service.

During their stay in Figueira da Foz, the partners from Lithuania, Romania and Spain have visited future office of Bonae Spei, Quartel da Imagem, Cabedelo Beach, Tourism office in Castelo Engenheiro Silva and Arts and Performance Center.

This project represents a great opportunity for Bonae Spei and their partners to create a real impact by creating tools to help youth volunteers to integrate in the labour market.