Emotional Intelligence and social skills for Second Chance Education Students


The goal of our project is to help the target groups improve their mental and social skills so that they can use this newfound confidence to learn new technical and professional skills. Adding them together will give them more security when they go back to the job market. Our goal is to have a big effect by giving thorough training to the Second Chance Schools students so that they can improve their chances of getting a job and help lower the shockingly high rates of youth unemployment in the EU.

Why this?

EMO2C projdct fits perfectly with the VET goal of developing practical education and training to meet the needs of the job market. This includes “supporting the development of VET programmes that offer a balanced mix of vocational skills and create work-based learning opportunities well aligned to changing jobs, working methods, and key competences,” according to the new scheme. Our project wants to drive home how important it is for teachers and kids at Second Chance schools to get social and emotional training right before they start looking for work. A growing number of foreign studies show that emotional intelligence and soft skills are very important in work profiles.

Practical Lessons


Offline Lectures

12 essential social-emotional skills for teaching in E2C.

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